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Starter Pack: The first thirteen issues (1-13)


The full set of back issues 1-13 of Freelancer Magazine in their full printed glory. Catch up on all the back issues, binge them as your introduction to freelance life, for oodles of freelance business inspiration or get them as a brilliant gift for a freelance friend.

Issue #1: The Creativity Edition
Issue #2: The Community Edition
Issue #3: The Discovery Edition
Issue #4: The Starting Something Edition
Issue #5: The Phoenix Edition
Issue #6: The ‘Let’s Get Together’ Edition
Issue #7: The Business Edition
Issue #8: The Freedom Edition
Issue #9: The ‘Art of Freelancing’ Edition
Issue #10: All Change
Issue #11: All About Growth
Issue #12: Going Global
Issue #13: For The Love of Good – Freelancing We 💛

“If you’re a freelancer, or you’re thinking of going solo, this magazine is your fast track to connecting with hundreds of the soundest people who walk in your shoes.”
– Dave Harland, The Word Man

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