Get to Know Tori Beat – Freelancer Magazine’s Issue #10 Guest Editor


What do you do? 
I’m a copy and content writer, working mainly with small businesses and creative freelancers.

How long have you been freelancing?
Since the end of 2019, but I had a break when I had my son in 2021.

How did you get into freelancing?
I left my job as a lawyer in the summer of 2019 and, whilst I was working my notice, I got chatting to a fellow guest at a friend’s wedding who was a freelance copywriter. I’d always loved writing outside of work and she really inspired me, so I retrained and set up my freelance business that autumn. 

What’s the best thing about freelancing?
No one tutting when I make my fifth coffee before 11am.

What have you found most challenging about freelancing?
Imposter syndrome. I’ve always suffered with it, even in my old employed job, but as a freelancer it can be easy to get struck down with ‘comparisonitis’ and feel like you’re the only one not smashing it. I’m working hard on improving my confidence and it always helps when you get some nice client feedback.

When are you most productive?
I think I’m good at powering through admin things in the mornings but most creative in the evenings, so I guess it depends what I’m doing!

What piece of work are you most proud of?
I edited some case studies for a graphic designer based in Switzerland and I got really lovely feedback so I was pretty chuffed with that. It was such interesting work with the added challenge of being drafted by someone whose first language isn’t English, so I really enjoyed it.

How did you find out about Freelancer Magazine?
A few freelancers I follow on Instagram were sharing it so I bought the first two back issues and promptly subscribed after that! I was on maternity leave when it launched so I was a bit late to the party, but so glad I turned up.

How did you come up with the winning theme idea?
My own experience of transitioning to freelance life involved a complete career change so I thought it would be interesting to hear from others who took a similar leap.

How did you feel when you found out you won the Guest Editor spot?
Over the moon! I was so thrilled, couldn’t quite believe it! 

What are you looking forward to most about being Guest Editor?
Seeing how it all works behind the scenes and getting to know the team of brilliant writers, designers and contributors. I’ve written for different magazines before but have never been involved in the editorial side.

13. If you could be another freelancer for a day, who would you be and why?
Probably my friend Emma Vallance (WigaWigAh) who is a freelance wig maker – what an amazing skill to have!

14. What is success for you?
Creating work I’m proud of and enjoying myself doing it.

15. What piece of advice would you give to someone starting as a freelancer?
Just start. You don’t need to have everything ‘ready’ before you start offering your services – just get going and the rest will follow.

16. Cats or dogs?

17. Who is your inspiration and why?
A bit cheesy but I’d say my kids – they’re the real reason I’m doing this, to be around more at home and have flexibility in our day-to-day.

18. What’s your favourite biscuit?
Tough one – I recently had to cut out gluten from my diet so I’m still coming to terms with the loss of Tunnocks teacakes. But a nice chocolate-coated macaroon makes a good alternative.

19. Work from home or a cafe?
A bit of both – I love being at home but I find mixing up my surroundings helps me get a fresh perspective on things.  I’ve also got a co-working membership at the Museum of Making in Derby which is a nice creative space to work from. And I love a bit of Freelancer Magazine virtual co-working!

20. What scares you?

21. What’s your hobby?
Sounds weird as it’s also my job, but writing. I’m doing a creative writing degree so I write poetry and short fiction in my spare time. We’re also big music fans in our house.

22. Print or digital version of Freelancer Mag?
Print! I love holding a magazine in my actual hands and the square shape of Freelancer is so cool.

23. What’s your favourite podcast?
I’ve got a few go-to podcasts but my favourite has to be Doing It For The Kids, it’s short and makes me laugh every time. But it’s also full of really useful info.

24. What book are you reading at the moment?
I tend to have a couple on the go at once but I’m currently reading Nick Cave’s Complete Lyrics 1978-2022 and Tove Jansson’s short story collection The Listener. 

25. Sunrise or sunset?
Oooooh I couldn’t possibly choose, I love them both. Sunset. But don’t tell sunrise.

26. Tea or coffee?
Coffee but there’s a time and a place for a nice cup of tea.

27. What’s your favourite film?
Probably Disney’s Coco – I cry every time but the soundtrack is amazing.

28. How do you start your day?
Usually forcibly woken by one of the kids.

29. What other area of freelancing would you love to try?
I love photography so I’d probably go for that.

30. What’s the one thing you’d like to achieve by the end of 2024?
To finish editing my debut novel, Class of ’99, and see it on the shelves by the end of the year!

Find Tori Beat on LinkedIn /ToriBeat.

Image credit: Tess Viera



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