Get to Know: Anita Ellis – Freelancer Magazine’s Features Writer

Anita Ellis

What do you do?
I’m a copywriter (and wannabe children’s author). I specialise in brand messaging and website copy.

How long have you been freelancing?
Since September 2020. Classic lockdown startup!

How did you get into freelancing?

I was in a toxic work environment and needed to get out. I’d always wanted to be a writer so when I was furloughed, I realised I had a chance to do something brave. I grabbed it with both hands, got myself a business coach and never looked back.

What’s the best thing about freelancing?

The variety. One day I’m writing about life in a circus, the next day I’m writing about physiotherapy, flour or finance.

What have you found most challenging about freelancing?

Feeling like an imposter.

When are you most productive?

With a deadline on my tail.

How did you find out about Freelancer Mag?

I saw Sophie on The Marketing Meetup webinar (thank you, James Sandbrook) and have been in love with the mag ever since.

What have you enjoyed most about working with Freelancer Magazine?
Feeling like an aspiring journalist from a scene in a film!

Which Freelancer Magazine article are you most proud of writing?
Do I need a… Personal Brand? (I loved interviewing Hadrien Chatelet, and in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes.)

If you could be another freelancer for a day, who would you be and why?
Eddie Shleyner; all those stories…

What is success for you?
Wow, these are meaty questions. Working with integrity and for lovely clients. Having more time off and earning more than when I was employed. Learning new stuff, inspiring others. Writing regularly for a cool magazine. 😉

What piece of advice would you give to someone starting as a freelancer?
Network as much as you can. Be curious, ask questions. Be a sponge; soak up what everyone else is doing well.

Cats or dogs?
Neither (please don’t hate me!).

Who is your inspiration and why?
Anyone who is creative and doing what they love.

What’s your favourite biscuit?
Ooh, good question. A custard cream. But I also love a Biscoff. And a French BN biscuit. Chocolate Hobnobs are lush too. Ok, this is too difficult (I have a very sweet tooth).

Work from home, cafe or cowork?
I love the ‘idea’ of café-working (and channelling my inner Julia from Motherland). But I get more done at home.

What scares you?
Night-terrors. I often wake up screaming (which probably scares my husband more).

What’s your hobby?
Hmm…the question that everyone dreads unless they’ve got an easy-to-define hobby! Cooking, swimming, playing Scrabble and travelling. And I’ve just started learning the piano.

Print or digital version of Freelancer Mag?
Print. I like to turn an actual page when I’m reading.

What’s your favourite podcast?
I’m more of a music girl.

What book are you reading at the moment?
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig – it’s sooo good (and original)!

Sunrise or sunset?
Ooh, another good question (there are some seriously good questions on here). Definitely sunset. I’m always asleep for sunrise.

Tea or coffee?
Tea. Although I had a brief fling with coffee when I lived in France.

What’s your favourite film?
Amélie. Loved it so much I named my daughter after her (amazing piano soundtrack too).

How do you start your day?
Scribbling in my 6-minute diary.

What other area of freelancing would you love to try?
Coaching. I’m such a question-asker.

What’s the one thing you’d like to achieve by the end of 2024?
Financial freedom. I’ve been inspired by Peter Komolafe’s book so I’m on a mission to get a decent emergency fund in place and a pot for my personal tax. I’m hoping that writing it down here means I’ll achieve it (worked for last year’s goal anyway!)

Find Anita Ellis on LinkedIn /AnitaEllis. Read Anita’s writing in Freelancer Magazine.



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