As Featured In...

We're grateful to the world's best freelancers for generously sharing with us their knowledge, strategies, stories of success and mistakes we can learn from.

Alan Mesfin
Alan Mesfin used to teach Maths in a secondary school and is now a private tutor. He lives in Valencia and does all his tutoring online. In his spare time (which he has a lot more of these days, he goes on some very long walks).
in issue 7
Do Give Up Your Day Job

Ashleigh Frater
Ashleigh is a Confidence Coach based in Dartford, UK. She supports introverts, especially women, to find their ‘quiet power’ and get ahead in life.
in issue 6
So You Want To Be A... Confidence Coach?

Ashley Baxter
Ashley used to be a freelance photographer. She now runs With Jack, who provide business insurance, especially for freelancers, supporting them financially and legally.
in issue 1
Do I Need... Business Insurance

Ayisatu Emore
Ayisatu is a freelance service designer and the founder of Idaraya Life CIC whichanyone who thinks that their mental and physical wellness is a far off ambition and looks to solve health inequalities in society, particularly for black and minoritised women.
in issue 3
Going Back To My Roots

Ben Kirchner
Ben is a freelance illustrator working with clients like The New Yorker, The Washington Post and The Economist. He told us about his creative process and his career journey, from jet-pack penguins to receiving vibrators in the mail.
in issue 1
The Creative Process

Beth Kennedy
Beth is a freelance playwright and dramaturg who also works in marketing for a law firm.
in issue 5
Making Plays

Charles Commins
Warrington’s podcast producer, Charles Commins, takes us on his career journey and tells us why it’s all Cobblers and community to him.
in issue 2
It’s All Community To Me

Clint-Sanyika Odieté
We caught up with Clint-Sanyika Odieté on the beach in Margate’s Walpole Bay, where he runs his personal training business, Beach Fit.
in issue 6
Physical Health - Beach Fit

Danny Brocklehurst
Danny Brocklehurst is a BAFTA award-winning screenwriter, best known for his writing on hit shows like Clocking Off and Shameless and more recently Stay Close and The Stranger which have been watched by tens of millions on Netflix.
in issue 5
So You Want To Be A... Screenwriter?

Dave Harland
Dave has been copywriting since 2005, freelance since 2016, and winding-up people on Linkedin since about 2018.
in issue 4
Finding Your Voice

Dominic Cumberbatch
Dom C is a freelance DJ, and our issue 1 cover star. We chatted to him about DJing in a pandemic, keeping it in the family and why all creatives need to check out Twitch.
in issue 1
Last Year a DJ Saved My Life

Ece Kurtaraner
Ece is a community and online events strategist based in Manchester and the co-host of Leapers Accountability Pods. She wants to help you become part of a community that works for you.
in issue 6
How Do I… Join or Build a Community?

Ella Orr
Ella Orr was employed in the education sector for 30 years before giving it up to go freelance in her fifties as a social media marketer.
in issue 2
Do Give Up Your Day Job

Eloise Leeson
Eloise is a Linguist and Communications Consultant at Olim. She has a weekly newsletter, 'Sales shouldn't suck!' which dives into what makes sales feel icky, and how we can change up our inner and outer strategies for business growth that feels really good.
in issue 1
Newsletter Love

Gareth K Thomas
Gareth started his first business at age 10, had a company mobile phone at secondary school and left uni at 21 to co-found a tech travel start-up. In 2017, he became a single dad to three foster children and started his latest business, Clarified.
in issue 2
Forever Curious

Giles Edwards
Giles is the founder and Creative Director of …Gasp! (described by The Drum as “fearless and inventive”), creator of ISOLATED Talks®, and host of UK Top 5 marketing/biz podcast, Call To Action.
in issue 1
24 hours with...

Graeme Piper
Graeme Piper is a B2B and B2C freelance copywriter. We asked him why the hardest thing to write is your own About page and if he could give us some tips.
in issue 5
How Do I… Write My About Page?

Harry Dry
Harry built the truly awesome Marketing Examples and Copywriting Examples, the go-to places for tips and inspiration for marketers and copywriters.
in issue 5
A Day in the Life

Hannah Lawrence
Hannah is a freelance French to English translator and copywriter. After eight years living in London, she’s now based back home in New Zealand.
in issue 3
So You Want To Be A... Translator?

Howie Chan
Howie works as a Brand Strategist, supporting healthcare leaders to save more lives. Living with his wife and two children in Missouri, Howie recently left full-time employment and is embracing freelance life.
in issue 7
So You Want To Be A… Brand Strategist?

Joe Glover
Joe is the Founder of The Marketing Meetup. A global community to educate and connect marketers, but most importantly do it with kindness. 🙂
in issue 2
A Day in the Life

Katie Uniacke
Katie is a translator and copywriter living in Granada in southern Spain. As well as freelancing she is also helping rescue dogs to get back on their paws.
in issue 1
The Freelance Fosterers

Kaye Jones
Kaye Jones is a historian and writer dedicated to showing history how it really happened.
in issue 3
The Herstorian

Kyrelle Burton
Kyrelle is a self-employed wedding stylist AKA Devon Wedding Hair, specialising in festival and boho hair. We asked her if being a creative was possible with kids. Spoiler alert: yes.
in issue 1
Is Being a Creative Possible With Kids?

Latasha James
Latsha is an online educator and content creator in the marketing space. She now mainly spends her time helping social media managers to build their businesses and refine their craft.
in issue 4
So You Want To Be A... Social Media Manager?

Lea Turner
Lea Turner is a 30-something lone mother to a 6-year-old boy, Dexter and LinkedIn Coach. She currently runs a LinkedIn training business, which happened accidentally after her first business - a small transcription agency - was badly affected by Covid.
in issue 6
A Day In The Life

Lyndsay Cambridge
Lyndsay is the co-author of the best-selling book Content Fortress and co-founder of Jammy Digital – a content marketing agency that helps businesses get better rankings, leads and sales from their content.
in issue 7
How Do I... Build A Business I Love Using Content?

Meg Harrop
Meg is a Designer & Illustrator who runs the fortnightly ' The Sunday Slice' newsletter which covers branding, encouraging people to be creative even when they think they aren’t creative, and providing inspiration and thought provoking ideas.
in issue 8
Newsletter Love

Nick Parker
From books to boxes and resources to courses, writer Nick Parker believes every freelancer should consider productising.
in issue 4
Practically Productising

Polly Baldwin
Polly is a freelance branding and content photographer now working largely for small businesses - helping them to connect to their dream clients through beautiful, authentic storytelling imagery.
in issue 5
Putting Your Freelance-Self First

Rosie Farrer
Rosie left her role as Head of Operations for a charity to become a freelance coach. Now the handcuffs are off, and she is full of ideas, looking to meet lots of new people and do whatever she wants.
in issue 4
Do Give Up Your Day Job

Sarah Steenland
Sarah is a freelancer illustrator, epic adventurer and mother of two. She has spent over a decade travelling and working on a boat with her young family.
in issue 8
Setting Sail

Shivani Shah
Shivani is based in Mumbai and freelances in content strategy and marketing copywriting. We spoke to her on the sixth anniversary of giving in her notice as a lawyer to go freelance.
in issue 1
Do Give Up Your Day Job

Sophie Greenwood
Sophie Greenwood is a print-maker, business coach and founder of the Super Seconds Festival – the UK’s biggest indie online seconds sale.
in issue 8
Do Give Up Your Day Job

Toks Coyle
Toks gives virtual business support to busy freelancers and entrepreneurs. She loves taking advantage of the flexibility that freelancing offers and we asked her her for three tips for how to best take advantage of the freedom.
in issue 8
Three Tips: Feeling Free

Tom Hirst
Tom is a web developer and creator. He has been freelancing for 11 years and we caught up with him to talk about his approach to pricing work.
in issue 1
Pricing Freelance Projects
quotes to freelance by
Coworkers 🐾

Your furry (and not so furry) friends keeping you company and (if we're honest) running the show.

Timon & Moana
Rescue pups
Owner: Katie Uniacke

Foster dog
Owner: Francisca Zimmerman

AKA Lady Molly Lickalot
Owner: Berenice Smith

CEO of No 47
Owner: Sarah Marks

Ponyo & Beemo
Freelancer Mag loving bunnies
Owner: Yas Haghighat

Freelance chaos creator
Owner: Felicity Wild

The perfect workmate
Owner: Dee Primett

Chief of Walks and Welfare
Owner: Sadhbh Warren

Irish Sports Horse
Owner: Emma Stenhouse

Digit & Pip
Miniature Long Haired Dachshunds
Owner: Col Skinner

Woodland walker and huge ball of fluff
Owner: Ness Cooper

High maintenance and dramatic
Owner: Tasmin Lofthouse