"One of the best newsletters going."
- Justin Clark, SocialNorth
"Congratulations on another awesome issue of The Dunker. I learn so much from everyone you take the time to create - thank you!"
- Rowan Ambrose, Freelance Writer
"Love The Dunker. There is SO much information."
- Raymond Manzor, Writer & Translator
"One of the few newsletters I'm subscribed to that I actually look forward to receiving."
- Emma Read, VA

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Past issues...

"One of the best newsletters going."
- Justin Clark, SocialNorth
"Congratulations on another awesome issue of The Dunker. I learn so much from everyone you take the time to create - thank you!"
- Rowan Ambrose, Freelance Writer
"Love The Dunker. There is SO much information."
- Raymond Manzor, Writer & Translator
"One of the few newsletters I'm subscribed to that I actually look forward to receiving."
- Emma Read, VA

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"One of the best newsletters going."
- Justin Clark, SocialNorth
"Love The Dunker. There is SO much information."
- Raymond Manzor, Writer
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