Starting a Freelance Business
Getting started guides, tips, and checklists for freelancers.
A Guide to Starting Your Freelance Business
13 essential steps to getting started that also serve as a handy checklist if you're already going.
Graduating and Going Freelance
Applying for jobs when you leave university isn't the only option. We spoke to two graduates who decided to go freelance instead.
What my creative process looks like and getting an agent as a freelance illustrator
Ben Kirchner tells us about his creative process and his career journey, from jet-pack penguins to receiving vibrators in the mail.
33 Stats You Might Find Surprising About Freelancing
Freelancer Events Calendar
Check out our Events calendar and stay up to date on all the amazing events for freelancers happening throughout the year.
Freelance Plant Power
More people than ever before are looking to plants, gardening and nature as a way to boost their wellbeing.
Freelancer Magazine Weekly Planner
Download this weekly planner created especially for freelancers by Freelancer Magazine.
25 Ways to Live a Happier Freelance Life
Has the rollercoaster of self-employment left you dangling in mid-air? Grab our toolbox of helpful ideas to get you moving again.
Making The Leap to Freelance
Nish is a career coach who specialises in helping people in career transitions into new industries where they have zero experience.
Events for Freelancers